Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022): The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance

					View Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022): The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance

In this issue we have published a paper that studies how carbon footprint affects performance of insurance firms in sub-Saharan African countries. The authors there find that carbon footprint negatively impacts of performance of insurance companies, which is quite interesting. Many other articles are currently under review, it is a shame that neither made it to this December issue. We hope to include them in the next issue, so stay tuned.

In the last year, we have also greatly expanded our editorial board in actuary and finance fields. We are honoured that Asst. Professor Dr. Mario Marino, Asst. Professor Dr. Antonio Luciano Martire and Asst. Professor Dr. Asmerilda Hitaj, all from universities in Italy, have joined us. Welcome!

Published: 16-12-2022