Biosocial Factors Resulting in Land Reform in The Huay Rabum, Lan Sak District, Uthaitani Province


  • Sumaschaya Siritechasit Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
  • Suppanunta Romprasert Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand


Biosocial Factors, Land Allocation, Risk of Land Reform


This study aimed to identify the biosocial factors in land reform in Huay Rabum in the Lan Sak district of the Uthaitani province. The research applied survey methods with data collection using questionnaires from three hundred samples living in these areas with an independent study an the satisfaction of people who were allocated land and described relationships between the variables found that people living in the project area or arable land. They were satisfied, with factors including the allocation of land had high satisfaction levels. In terms of linked to gender (female);age ( forty-one to sixty years of age ); status (married); educational level (primary school ); family members ( two to four people); years of participation ( three years); occupation (farmers) and income per month ( ≤ 5,000 Baht ) The results of the analysis were the Logistic Regression Model, especially in terms of Binary Logistic Regression at a statistically significant level of 0.05, by considering the four elements which included feelings (the mind), as well as the Social, Economic and Cultural aspects. The results revealed that the satisfaction assessment of those living in the area in a good direction, but people who lacked confidence and had high concerns regarding risk because the project was confiscated and the land was relocated. When the new government party talks, start new policy designs will be proposed.


